I am making a 2 meter (144-145MHz) radio beacon for my thesis work. I want to be able to transmit morse code over 2 meter FM (or APRS packets) without having to pipe my data into in existing handheld transmitter (my current solution). This device will consist of a microcontroller, RF transceiver IC, voltage regulator, low pass filter, lcd, and resistor ladder to handle audio output. The IC runs at 4.5V, so I will use a programmable voltage regulator.
ATMega328 / ATTiny84
2x 30 pF
2x 47 pF
3x inductors @ 56 nH
2x 270 ohm
2x 1k ohm
2k ohm
3.3k ohm
3x 10k ohm
16x2 LCD with I2C backpack
SMA antenna connector