The Yoga Robot 9000 has official been renamed the Asana Bot (for now)—asana is a sanskrit word for posture that is used generically in yoga.
I choose walnut for the head and body and baltic birch ply for the arms and legs, to give a nice light-dark contrast—inspired by Grotesk’s “A Bigger Big Poppa”.

I experimented with gluing up baltic birch scraps at different angles, but ultimately ended up using single 3/4” scraps for the first few prototypes.

I definitely want to experiment with this more down the road to see what kinds of patterns I can produce in the legs and arms. I think it’s also worth trying some glue ups with acrylic inside.

Legs and arms were cut with round 1/8” bit, body and head were cut with flat bits from 1/32” up to 1/4”

Getting the CAM right on the body/head combo was super important, and I eventually cut job time from 2.5 hours to just over 1.25
The first few prototypes. With chestplate hole (left), straight arms and poorly cut ohm (center), 10 degree arms and fixed ohm (right).